Mosette Broderick’s Triumvirate

26 May

The current academic year brought the publication of the eagerly anticipated Triumvirate:  McKim, Mead & White: Art, Architecture, Scandal, and Class in America’s Gilded Age (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010) by Mosette Broderick, Director of our Urban Design and Architecture Studies Program.

Triumvirate has been widely and positively reviewed.  Writing for Booklist (the American Library Association), Donna Seaman observed, “…this is a scintillating record of the complex lives and accomplishments of three adventurous architects who created American grandeur.”  In his review of the book in The Architects Newspaper, Professor Kevin Murphy noted,  “A great biographer of an important cultural producer accomplishes two things:  first, he or she explains for the reader the subject’s motivations and shows how that person was able to climb to the heights of his or her field; second, the author provides the reader with the feeling that you are there at the making of a work or works of great importance. In her new firm biography, Triumvirate: McKim, Mead and White: Art, Architecture, Scandal and Class in America’s Gilded Age, Mosette Broderick . . . accomplishes just such feats. “

The Department of Art History and Urban Design along with The College of Arts and Science and the Humanities Initiative at NYU hosted a book launch in Silverstein Lounge on November 9, 2010.

Professor Broderick has lectured widely on aspects of Triumvirate across the country and in some twenty New York City clubs and institutions.  She has done talks at Cooper Union and The AIA Chapter in New York, as well as interviews at major booksellers and on New York, Chicago, Connecticut, National and Irish Public Radio.  For her NPR interview, please go to

Professor Broderick will be the featured speaker at the NYU Alumni Association Spring 2011 Speakers on the Square Lecture on Monday, June 13 from 6:00-7:00 P.M. in the Eisner and Lubin Auditorium, Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, 4th floor.

Peggy Coon

Kathryn A. Smith

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