Archive | June, 2023

Professor Hopkins co-edits new book

23 Jun

What do forgeries do? Forgery Beyond Deceit: Fabrication, Value, and the Desire for Ancient Rome explores that question with a focus on forgery in ancient Rome and of ancient Rome. The volume is co-edited by John Hopkins and Scott McGill. Its chapters reach from antiquity to the twentieth century and cover literature and art, the two areas that predominate in forgery studies, as well as the forgery of physical books, coins, and religious relics. The book examines the cultural, historical, and rhetorical functions of forgery that extend beyond the desire to deceive and profit. It analyses forgery in connection with related phenomena like pseudepigraphy, fakes, and copies; and it investigates the aesthetic and historical value that forgeries possess when scholarship takes seriously their form, content, and varied uses within and across cultures. Of particular interest is the way that forgeries embody a desire for the ancient and for the recovery of the fragmentary past of ancient Rome.  

Professor Hopkins regularly teaches a seminar on the topic of forgery in and of ancient Roman art and culture in the Department and at The Institute of Fine Arts

Student News, 2022-23

6 Jun

Many, many congratulations to all of our students on what we trust was a fulfilling academic year. Special congratulations to those students who graduated this year. Please stay in touch with the department and your professors!

Elizabeth Abraham (B.S. Biology/B.A. Art History ’24) was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring.

Rebekah Adams (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Evalyn Bair (B.A. Art History ’23) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History.

Juliana Balaban-Kroll (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Tim Barber (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Lux Blum (B.A. Gallatin, with concentrations in Art History and Museum Studies; French minor ‘23) was Co-President of the Fine Arts Society this year.

Elena Catacutan (B.A. English/Art History ‘24) was an Executive Board Member of the Fine Arts Society this academic year.

Austin Celestin (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ’24) was awarded a CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund grant this year.

Chloe Choi (M.S. Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), Tisch; Urban Design & Architecture Studies minor ’23) will begin her studies in the M.Arch. program at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design this fall.

Hanna Choi (B.A. Art History; Social and Cultural Analysis minor ‘24) earned the H. W. Janson Scholarship Award, presented to a junior major for excellence in the study of the history of art.

Caroline Cook (B.A. Art History; Hebrew & Judaic Studies minor ‘23) successfully defended her honors thesis in art history, written under the supervision of Professor Prita Meier. She earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History. Come this fall she will be working as an Associate in Global Fine Arts at Sotheby’s in New York.

Amber Cruz (B.A. Art History ‘23) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History.

Ainsley Dean (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘24) was awarded a CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund grant this year.

Margaret Deng (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘22) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Program for Urban Design & Architecture Studies of the Department of Art History. She will begin her studies in NYU’s M.A. Program in Historical & Sustainable Architecture this fall.

Toby Du (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘22) will begin the M.S. program in Applied Urban Science and Informatics at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering this fall.

Yağız Erdoğdu (B.A. Urban Design and Architecture Studies/Art History; Philosophy and Politics minors ‘25) sends this news: “I have received a CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund grant for Spring 2023 and have also been named this year’s Pudding Hill Research Scholar (the latter in relation of the ‘strength of [my] proposal’) for an architectural history research project with the tentative title, ‘An American Eclecticism in Constantinople: Charles H. Rutan’s American College for Girls’. The project is advised by Professor Carol Krinsky and focuses on previously-unpublished archival materials of the campus of the American College for Girls.”

Maddie Erickson (B.A. Gallatin, with a concentration in Art History ‘23) was the Social Media Coordinator for the Fine Arts Society this academic year.

Talia Friedland (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Chen Guo (B.A. Art History; Studio Art and Mathematics minors ‘23) writes that her studies at NYU have been “a rewarding journey, and I am grateful for the knowledge and experiences gained during my time at the Department. Additionally, I am thrilled to share that I have been admitted to the M.A. program in Arts Administration at Teachers College, Columbia University. This is a significant opportunity for me to further my studies for the intersection of art and management!”

Hyungjoo Han (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Lucia Hassen (B.A. Art History ‘23) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History.

Dora Hauache (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies/Environmental Studies; Studio Art minor ‘24) sends this news: “I have been working at the Skyscraper Museum as an intern since 2021. In the last few months, I had the opportunity to work under the guidance of Professor Carol Willis and to participate in the research, design, and preparation for the Museum’s new exhibition, which opened on May 10. The exhibition is called SKYMARKS LAND MARKS. It looks at all the structures in New York designated as individual Landmarks that are ‘skyscrapers.’”

Elijah Hong (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘23) earned the Ada Louise Huxtable Award from the Program for Urban Design & Architecture Studies of the Department of Art History, presented to an outstanding graduating senior with the highest grade-point average and most promise for future success in the field of Urban Design and Architecture. Elijah was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring.

Ouxiang Jin (B.A. Art History ‘23) earned The Barbara and Ben Aliza Award, presented to a deserving graduating art history major whose NYU studies have been multidisciplinary, and who has demonstrated a commitment to seeing the world through many prisms.

Maxwell Joseph (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Sophie Kenworthy ((M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Tahiya Khan (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Jon-Lawrence Koloba (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Julia Kranjac (B.A. Public Policy; Art History minor ‘23) sends this news: “In the Fall 2022 semester I received the Undergraduate Research Assistantship Award from NYU Abu Dhabi, where I assisted the ‘Heritage, Memory, and Mobility’ Research Kitchen in their efforts to expand the traditional bounds of heritage studies. I am currently completing my honors thesis on US-UNESCO relations, suggesting ways that the US can become a more effective and equitable member of the international organization, should it choose to rejoin. I have provided arts administration support to the New York City-based chamber orchestra The Knights since August 2021, and in the fall of 2023, I will begin classes at Duke Law School with the goal of one day pursuing a career in art and cultural property law.” Julia graduated as a University Honors Scholar and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, New York chapter.

Jennifer Li (B.A. Art History ‘24) sends this news: “Last December I curated and put up my own exhibition titled WAKE, featuring seven photographers from Tisch’s Photography & Imaging department. We had an opening night reception, and the exhibition was up for about three weeks. For more information about the exhibition, see the brochure and the photos from opening night here. Additionally, Washington Square News published an article on the exhibition which may provide a little more insight.”

Ziyu (Jeffrey) Liu (B.A. Art History ‘23) earned the Jane Costello Memorial Award, presented to a graduating senior for excellence in the study of the history of art.

Carmen Marusich (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Emilie Meyer (B.A. Gallatin/Art History; Psychoanalysis minor ‘23), who was an Editor-in-Chief of Ink & Image 14, earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History. She also received the 2023 Dean’s Research Award from Gallatin, as well as their Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Academic Excellence Award. Emilie is currently Operations Manager at Cabinet Magazine, a quarterly art and culture non-profit magazine run out of Brooklyn that also publishes books and curates exhibitions. Emilie is also working as Nina Katchadourian’s studio assistant (her show is currently up at the Morgan Library if you haven’t seen it yet!) 

Audrey Miller (B.A. Art History/Tisch Drama ‘24) is a recipient of a Spring 2023 Undergraduate Humanities Fellowship from the NYU Center for the Humanities. Audrey writes, “Every other week, I meet with a cohort of students from across the University, led by University Professor Ulrich Baer, to discuss our research topics and gain feedback, connect with working professionals, and prepare for employment and/or graduate school. This has been an incredible experience and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have such fruitful conversations with my peers.” Audrey also sends this news: “I recently had the opportunity to present my work at ‘The Winter’s Tale: A Symposium’, an event focusing on Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale curated by students in Professor Laura Levine’s Honors Seminar Shakespeare By Any Other Name and the Classical Studio of Tisch Drama. I presented a paper on The Winter’s Tale in conversation with Eamon Duffy’s The Stripping of the Altars.” Audrey served as a member of the organizational committee, selected the artwork for the program, and acted as a respondent for a peer’s presentation. Audrey will begin working on her honors thesis in Theatre Studies this fall.

Tatiana Minieri (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘23) has been admitted toNYU’s Masters program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture for this coming fall.

Campbell Munn (B.A. Gallatin; Urban Design & Architecture Studies minor ’23) successfully defended his honors thesis, supervised by Professor Jon Ritter. Campbell was the recipient of an NYU Undergraduate Humanities Fellowship. He has been admitted to the Masters program in Urban Planning in NYU’s Wagner School of Planning for this coming fall.

Paul Nussbaum (B.A. Gallatin; Urban Design & Architecture Studies minor ’23) has been admitted toNYU’s Masters program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture for this coming fall.

Natalia Palacino (B.F.A. Steinhardt, Studio Art/B.A. Philosophy ‘23) was the Treasurer of the Fine Arts Society this year.

Harlan Reiss (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘23) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Program for Urban Design & Architecture Studies of the Department of Art History. Harlan successfully defended his honors thesis, and has been admitted to the Masters program in Urban Planning at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) for this coming fall.

Emily Ren (B.A. Art History; Religious Studies, Japanese, and Web Development and Programming minors ‘23) sends this report: “Last summer, I applied for an internship at the Rubin Museum of Art. I have been working there since last June and helping the people at Rubin with the publication and the online database of Project Himalayan Art. The PHA is a three-part initiative: a cross-disciplinary publication, an online platform, and a traveling exhibition, designed to incorporate Himalayan art and culture into the humanity and liberal studies of higher education. I assisted them in researching the image sources and external links that the project’s viewers could refer to and proofreading the essays for the book. Fortunately, I could also participate in recording some Mandarin pronunciations for the glossary on the website. The internship is ongoing, and I greatly enjoyed and learned a lot from it. Also, I applied for the CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund grant last fall for my research project titled ‘Attitudes and Censorship: The Evolution of Mother-and-Child Prints in Edo-Period Japan.’ In this project I explored how the mother-and-child prints in early modern Japan reflected people’s gender perceptions and how their responses to the government censorships illustrated the intensification of fluidity across social boundaries at that time. I gave a presentation at the CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Conference this year (May 5) to share my research with my peers. I will complete this project in the summer. Finally, I was lucky to get into the Master’s Program for East Asian Studies at Stanford to further explore Japanese Buddhism and art. I am thrilled about the new experience coming up, and look forward to knowing more people who share my interests.” 

Kouros Sadeghi-Nejad (B.A. Art History/Politics ‘23) delivered a talk on “The Aesthetics of Opacity: Glissantian Poetics in Peter Doig’s ‘No Foreign Lands’”at the5th Annual SUNY New Paltz Undergraduate Art History Symposium, held April 13-16, 2023. Kouros earned the Douglas F. Maxwell Award, presented to a graduating senior for excellence in the study of art history, and to be used for travel outside of the USA to see and study original works of art. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring.

Jaiden Sanchez (B.A. Art History; Italian Studies, Native American and Indigenous Studies, and Studio Art minors ‘23) was Co-President of the Fine Arts Society this academic year.

Arezoo Shalchian (M.A. Historical & Sustainable Architecture ’23) earned a Jill Lever Memorial Scholarship from NYU’s M.A. program in Historical and Sustainable Architecture.

Claudia Smithie (B.A. Art History/Environmental Studies; Italian Studies minor ‘24) earned the Department of Art History’s H. W. Janson Award, presented to a junior major for excellence in the study of the history of art. Claudia also was awarded a Center for the Humanities Undergraduate Fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year.

Ryan Tao (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ’25) was awarded a CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund grant.

Jacklyn Van der Colff (B.A. Art History/Anthropology ‘23) earned The Sam Gates Art History Award, presented to an outstanding graduating student in art history. Jacklyn was the Secretary of the Fine Arts Society this academic year.

Meghan Watters (B.A. Art History ‘24) was awarded a Center for the Humanities Undergraduate Fellowship for the 2023-24 academic year.

Jasper Wong (B.A. Art History ‘23) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History.

Katelyn Yang (B.A. Art History; French and Creative Writing minors ‘24) spent the Spring 2023 semester in Paris working on her thesis on medieval Islamic art. Katelyn writes, “One of my favourite places here is the Grande mosquée de Paris, which is decorated in beautiful Moroccan style, with a wonderful garden in the middle and an impressive minaret at the entrance. Feels like one is instantly brought to Marrakesh!” 

Natalia Zamora (B.A. Gallatin, with a concentration in Art History and International Relations; Spanish minor ‘25) was an Executive Board Member of the Fine Arts Society this year.

Zhiran Zhang (B.A. Art History ‘23) earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Department of Art History.

Helen Zhao (B.A. Urban Design & Architectural Studies/Comparative Literature ‘24) was awarded the Kayla Stotzky Memorial Award, presented to an outstanding junior in our Urban Design & Architecture Studies program. She earned a CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund award and went to Buenos Aires with the Presidential Honors program. Helen also assists at SPACED: Gallery of Architecture.

Wenjie (Demi) Zhao (B.A. Art History/French major, Psychology and Studio Art-Digital Art & Design minors ‘23) sends this news: “In December 2022, I proudly graduated from New York University and was subsequently accepted into Columbia University’s Arts Administration graduate studies program, with classes commencing in fall 2023. In April 2023 I was honored to be inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa society, recognized as a University Honors Scholar, and awarded the French Award at New York University.Currently I am delving into the vibrant contemporary art world as a writer for Musée Magazine and a gallery assistant at Fu Qiumeng Fine Art. At Musée Magazine, I get to write captivating exhibition reviews and insightful architecture columns on vanguard arts and photography. A few highlights are Architecture: Marshall Brown | RemastériserArchitecture: City in the Air, Exhibition Reviews for Marilyn Minter at LGDRPenguins! Past and PresentAdam Ekberg | Minor SpectaclesSarah Sze | TimelapseUta BarthArne Svenson | The NeighborsTina Barney | The BeginningThe Yanomami Struggle, and Victor Burgin | Photopath. More articles can be found at my LinkedIn profile. At Fu Qiumeng Fine Art, I am honing my skills in managing gallery operations and social media content for the current exhibition Fung Ming Chip: Traces of Time, in which Chinese traditional calligraphy and contemporary art of writing commingle in unexpected and creative ways. As I look forward to the future, my dedication lies in art writing and exploring the captivating intersection of Eastern contemporary art and the Western art world diaspora.”

Leonard Zhu (B.A. Urban Design & Architecture Studies ‘23) was the recipient of a CAS Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund grant, and was a June Schlesinger Katz International Research Scholar this year. Leonard successfully defended his honors thesis, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa this spring, and earned a Faculty Choice Award from the Program for Urban Design & Architecture Studies of the Department of Art History. He will begin the J.D. program at Duke University this coming fall.

Lila Pearl Zinner (B.A. Art History ‘24) wrote the exhibition statement for “The Reason I Hold On,” a group exhibition at Domicile Gallery in Shibuya, Tokyo: