Archive | July, 2017

Yiren Shen, AH ’16, Met Intern Publishes Article

13 Jul

Yiren Shen has published an article about the famous terra cotta warriors from the city of Xian in China.  She did the work while interning at the Met.

In Madrid? Professor Miriam Basilio Presents…

6 Jul

International conference
Transatlantic paths: the Cold War between fields of action and critical nodes

Madrid, 10 and 11 July 2017
Saint Louis University Madrid. San Ignacio Hall (SIH), Room A

12.15-13.15 > Miriam Basilio (New York University), Elaine L. Johnson (17/12/1928-?1979) en el Museum of Modern Art: Recuperando una comisaria/conservadora en los archivos, (Response by Fabiola Martínez)